Make a Donation
Washington FCCLA has impacted the lives of over 50,000 members, advisers, business partners, parents and friends. Together, along with the alumni and supporters of FCCLA create one powerful network.
Sponsors enable students to attend conferences where they might not have been able to otherwise. Sponsors also open opportunities for low socioeconomic students to be members in FCCLA and benefit from the invaluable leadership training and career education.
Make your connection now.

Become a Conference Exhibitor or Sponsor
Each of our conferences features an exhibit hall where vendors can connect with FCCLA members and adviser decision makers to share information and resources about opportunities, products, services, resources, and more.
Share your organization with Washington’s best and brightest high school students, teachers, and administrators. Washington FCCLA’s State Leadership Conference is the perfect venue to promote your brand, share your story, and recruit Washington’s emerging leaders. Meet our members face-to-face in our conference exhibit hall and build the foundation for a lifelong relationship with the next generation of family, career, and community leaders.
Judge a Competition
Do you have time to assist students with their career goals? FCCLA students need your help as a volunteer competitive events judge at the State Leadership Conference. Judging competitive events requires as little as a half-day time commitment, and you will interact with students as they work toward successful careers. These students have worked all year to prepare for their competitions both inside and outside of the classroom and have personally raised the funds to attend the conference where their skills will be evaluated by you.
As a volunteer judge for FCCLA, you will use your professional background and life to evaluate student demonstration of their skills as future leaders.
For more information about competitive events, please view our STAR Event Descriptions.
If you are interested in volunteering please contact our competitive events manager at

In-Kind Contributions
Take action and make a difference through in-kind donations. In-kind donations can also bring value to students.
Not sure what our student leaders need? Here are some ideas!
- Sponsor a red blazer!
- Recognition (plaques, awards, trophies, prizes; Consider establishing a recognition program for CTSOs around a priority for your business)
- Promotional (CTSO banners, t-shirts, flyers, printing/copies, displaying your support for CTSOs in your place of work)
- Venues/Meeting Space (venues, boardrooms, meeting space for leadership training, professional development, recognition banquets, and other events)
- Educational (complimentary test preparation services, competitive event coaching, waived tuition fees for certifications/college credit)
- Competitive Events (equipment, materials, or facilities required by the CTSO competitions)
- Books (industry magazines, books, or reference materials)
- Pro-bono Services (photography, catering, transportation, consulting)
- Electronics (LCD projectors, laptops, tablets, etc.)
- Incentives (rewards for students and teachers, such as gift cards, complimentary meals, car wash/tune up, gas, etc.)