Make an Impact on the Future of Leadership

When you donate to Washington FCCLA, you are impacting hundreds of students in leadership and providing them opportunities to develop their skills and contribute to the future of Washington.

Our Sponsors

In-Kind Contributions

Take action and make a difference through in-kind donations. In-kind donations can also bring value to students.

Not sure what our student leaders need? Here are some ideas!

  • Sponsor a red blazer!
  • Recognition (plaques, awards, trophies, prizes; Consider establishing a recognition program for CTSOs around a priority for your business)
  • Promotional (CTSO banners, t-shirts, flyers, printing/copies, displaying your support for CTSOs in your place of work)
  • Venues/Meeting Space (venues, boardrooms, meeting space for leadership training, professional development, recognition banquets, and other events)
  • Educational (complimentary test preparation services, competitive event coaching, waived tuition fees for certifications/college credit)
  • Competitive Events (equipment, materials, or facilities required by the CTSO competitions)
  • Books (industry magazines, books, or reference materials)
  • Pro-bono Services (photography, catering, transportation, consulting)
  • Electronics (LCD projectors, laptops, tablets, etc.)
  • Incentives (rewards for students and teachers, such as gift cards, complimentary meals, car wash/tune up, gas, etc.)

Learn more about in-kind donations here.

Join Us at our State Leadership Conference