President’s Message
Hey! Hey! Hey! Washington FCCLA,
The past year and a half was hard on all of us, and I am soooo ready to see a sea of red and white this spring at our State Leadership Conference. My goal for the year is to focus on connection. I will be personally attending chapter meetings from all 10 regions across Washington State (via Zoom). I will be answering questions, putting out videos throughout the year, and helping to guide our state officer team into an AMAZING in-person comeback. Just you wait, Washington FCCLA!
In other exciting news, the State Officers and I will be hosting Networking Sessions for all attendees. Join us for Game Night, Trivia Night, and many other fun virtual events throughout the year. Have the potential to win cool prizes, connect with members from across the state, and meet our awesome team of officers.
Since this is my senior year, and my final year as a member of my favorite organization, I’m going to Make it Count, and you should too as we transition into an in person format!!
Much love,
Alyssa Lloyd
State President
“Make It Count” – Now’s Your Time!
The Red Report
Make sure to “ Make It Count” this year in FCCLA and go check out The Red Report, the monthly newsletter to make sure that you’re staying caught up on important information and updates from the Washington State Executive Council. Sign up today with your email address so you can get The Red Report sent to you! – Send me an email at and I will get you on my mailing list